Laying a Proper Foundation for your SEO Campaign

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You have heard a whole lot about SEO tools and the wonders they can do for your business. Your interest has been peaked and you’re ready to start seeing what SEO can do for your business, but there is just one little problem: you don’t know how and where to start. Don’t worry, you’ve found the perfect article to get you on your way. In this article, we will be sharing with you the steps to starting SEO on a viable foundation. If you are looking for all the help you can get, reach out to companies like Web 20 Ranker who have a plethora of knowledge available to detail how to lay the perfect foundation for SEO rankings.

What Steps Can I Take to Have a Solid SEO Campaign Foundation?

1. Understand your Social Media Niche

Some blogs and websites are more liable to house a large number of your target audience/market. Hence before you start exploring your SEO options, understand your footprint and where you have the strongest foothold. You can achieve this by conducting a social media audit.

2. Set up SEO check tools that can help you monitor your progress

This point is particularly important since SEO deals with data, so it becomes your first priority to set up tools that will help you collate and analyse data. We will discuss some of these tools briefly:

. Google Analytics: the first on our list is google analytics. This tool will enable you to monitor your website performance in terms of page views, traffic, bounce rate and even top performing pages. So make sure google analytics is up and running.

. Google Search Console: this will enable you to track performance in terms of google search. It also assists you in developing keywords to use on your site. It also helps in the implementation of technical SEO.

. SEOPress: this tool will help you with URLs, titles, keywords, content quality tools and meta descriptions that works

3. Next Decide What your Goals are and the Strategies You Need to Employ

This will help you focus your effort on SEO sectors that matter most to you. It’s not enough to say I want to be top ranking on google searches. It is important you decide who you are targeting by so doing and how you intend to get there.

4. Keyword Research

Keyword research and its effective use are some of the most powerful tools in SEO campaign. You need to make a list of keywords that are trending in your line of trade and use them lavishly on your websites and your guest posts. Several SEO tools out there can help you put together a list of these keywords.

5. Next create your content with the keywords, build backlinks, and continue monitoring. Then progress your SEO campaign to the next level.

Just like building a house, the foundation of any SEO campaign will go a long way in deciding how effective such a campaign will be. We hope you will apply the steps we have outlined in this article for the betterment of your business. At Web 20 Ranker, we can help you set up and run your SEO campaign effectively so you will dominate local searches in the niche of your business.


About Web 20 Ranker

Web 2.0 Ranker, LLC is a registered company in the State of Pennsylvania. White Label SEO, GMB Optimization, Link Building, White Hat Outreach, Press Releases, Social Accounts, Business Citations

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Web 20 Ranker

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Phone : 8558966657
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Published on

Aug 09, 2018

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