Sandcastle is a full-service web design and development company with 15 years of proven experience.


As the internet widens and expands, many small businesses understand that they need to get online and leverage the internet to grow their business. So it all starts with having a website to run a business online. So small businesses understand that they need to set an online office—a website for their business—but there’s an oops…the business owner wants to save money.

A website is simply an online office to run a business. Just like your mortar-and-brick-business office, you want your website to be orderly, organized, attention grabbing and has the functionalities to generate leads to grow your business.  So you want a professional web designers like Sandcastle Web Design to get the job done right.

The following are outlines the reason a professional web design would be a good fit for your business.

1. Save Money in the Long Term

So many small businesses think that it is very expensive to design a website for their business, so they take the DIY approach and do something crappy. The fact is if your website is very catchy, attractive and very organized, you would realize that more visitors would love to stay around on the site.

Ideally, your website would get visited more than your mortar-and-brick office. So it is very important that you ensure that professional designers like Sandcastle Web Design (see https://www.sandcastle-web.com/services/website-design/)to get the job done right. This would prevent you from contracting a professional designer to redesign the website when things are messed up.

2. Unique and Professional

With a lot of templates out there, many folks think that you can just twist and change templates and have a website. But what you would actually have is a website that is almost like any other website. Apart from that template websites makes it difficult to provide certain customized changes to make the website unique and professional.

Hiring Sandcastle Web Design helps to take a template and maximize it to create a unique website for the website. The web designer can also codify a separate new template and build an amazing website that is customized to meet the needs of the business.

3. User Friendly

The whole essence of a website is to get in touch with strangers, convert strangers into visitors and finally making visitors to become prospects. So you have a website that people would love and keep coming again and again to use. That means the website must be user friendly.

The website must be able to help users to navigate around. The pages must be well-connected to enhance easy navigations. The website must also have easy search buttons that makes users to search and know exactly what they are looking for.

4. SEO Friendly

SEO is probably the holy grail of having a website. Without a website, it would be quiet hard for a local business to take advantage of SEO to generate and monetize traffic to grow his business. Professional web designers like Sandcastle Web Design make websites SEO friendly so they can generate a pool of traffic from search engines.


About Sandcastle Web Design & Development

Sandcastle is a full-service web design and development company specializing in e-commerce, custom application development, mobile technologies, hosting and maintenance. Since our formation in 2001.

Contact Information

Sandcastle Web Design & Development

1930 6th Ave S, Suite 303 Seattle
Phone : 2063255383
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Published on

Aug 19, 2018