Become a Modern Day Good Samaritan

Inspired by the biblical story of The Good Samaritan, we aim to follow the example of the noble neighbor – help those in need and build stronger communities around St. Louis, Missouri.


Many of us have heard the Bible story about a man who was called the Good Samaritan. In this parable, we learn that a person is capable of demonstrating love to anyone who is in need, even to a stranger. And if we ask, does a Good Samaritan still exists today? The answer is yes. And it can’t just be one person. It can be anyone. It can be you and me. We all can be a modern-day Good Samaritan.

This is the same exact vision of Jacob Crocker St. Louis Samaritan. Inspired by the parable from the Bible, it is their goal to follow the example in the story by lending a helping hand to those who are in need and by building and strengthening families and communities. They are thankful for the resources and skills that the locals from their city are more than willing to share. They utilize these resources for worthy causes in their locality.

St. Louis Jacob Crocker also aims to be the avenue where people can come together and talk about certain issues they are facing. They want to get these issues addressed for the benefit of everyone in their area. In other words, they want to be able to find a solution to these problems and make the city a better place for everyone to live. They encourage people to get involved as they do things together for reaching out and helping those who need help.

But you know what? There are plenty of other ways on how you can be a modern-day Good Samaritan. Aside from the participating in similar activities done by groups like Jacob Crocker St. Louis Samaritan, you can be a good neighbor to anyone who needs your help. You can show kindness, love, and care in your little ways. Imagine walking down a street and seeing some hungry children and homeless people. You may not be able to help all of them but sharing what you can will go a long way. Handing them any food you bought from the grocery store can satisfy their hunger at least for one meal. The thing is that it doesn’t have to be that hard. It all starts with your heart. You just have to have a heart that’s willing to give and share and love.

You don’t even have to be blood-related to have the same compassion that the Good Samaritan had as told by the Bible. The Good Samaritan helped a stranger, and you can do the same, too. It’s even more fulfilling when you know that you have made even a tiny difference in the life of someone who is a stranger to you, someone you don’t know or not even close to. But there really are a lot of ways by which you can be of help and of service to others. All you have to do is just to look around.

If you are interested, you can find Jacob Crocker St. Louis Samaritan through his website,, or you may visit them at 1827 Glenbrae Ln St. Louis, MO 63136.

About Jacob Crocker St. Louis Samaritan

St. Louis is a great place with century-old homes, historic buildings, and charming neighborhoods. Our city is big, but it still has a small town flavor with communities that are still conservative.

Contact Information

Jacob Crocker St. Louis Samaritan

1827 Glenbrae Ln St. Louis
Phone : 3142070180
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Published on

Apr 16, 2018