Becoming An Indoor Cycling Teacher

NETA’s Indoor Group Cycling specialty certification covers all the basics of teaching cycling classes, including setting up the room, managing a variety of situations and the many body positions for a safe but challenging ride.


Indoor cycling is typically taught in classes of perhaps up to 20 people. The classes are almost always set to music and are a proper cardio workout, while also strengthening the lower body and shoulders in particular.

While neither rhythmical nor particularly complex in the movements, participants will be standing, sprinting, and sitting on the bike at various times, and altering their speed accordingly. Duration of classes are between 30-60 minutes.

The low-impact nature of the movements allows people with joint degeneration/arthritis/injury to take part. For that reason, interest in these classes is growing, and from the instructor’s point of view this makes it a good way to bring in clients and increase income.

Aside taking the professional courses and tests to give your the certification to teach indoor cycling, you need to possess those traits that can further increase your success ratio:

  • A Love For Cycling

To succeed as an indoor cycling teacher first of all, you will have to have that innate love for cycling.Your classes will not take you through beautiful countryside and attractive city views like a normal cycle ride, but you have still really got to love cycling to stand at the front of a class and watch people on bikes all day.

 Not only should you like cycling, but it helps if you’ve got a good cycling technique as well, that means you must undergone training in the art of cycling yourself,and clearly the fitness to back it up because you can’t teach cycling if you aren’t physically fit.

  • Personality

As an instructor, you’re inspiring people to push themselves when their lungs are hurting and their legs feel like they’re falling off, that means you need to have that persuasive personality. You’ll be speaking to a wide variety of people; those who are just starting on the road back to good health, and those who are in the peak of physical fitness.

They won’t be talking much to the people around them; they will be focused on the music and you. Not only do you have to motivate them while they’re peddling, but also encourage them to want to come back again.

  • Love For Music

Just like you need bikes to engage in cycling, so also you need music in your cycling studio. The playlist will somewhat depends on the make-up of the class because your class will be made up different age grades. Mashups, variation and diversity are key to keeping everyone happy, so be ready to change things if needs be.

  • Knowledge Of Other Fitness And Nutrition Techniques

Those attending may be looking for a whole range of lifestyle fitness choices to complement them. Ensure you know the benefits of other fitness choices, and how they will each play their part in an overall program. knowing the best nutritional choices for those looking to add muscle, lose fat, or maintain their present body shape, etc.

These traits are all you need to become a better cycling teacher. Develop them in you now!



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If you’re serious about a career in Health & Fitness, make no mistake: The people you choose to inspire, train and support you are going to make all the difference.

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NETA-National Exercise Trainers Association

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Published on

Jun 12, 2018

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