Can Social Media be Causing Your Divorce?

The legal system can intimidate anyone. Do not face legal challenges alone!


Statistics reveal that there are 1.96 billion people in the world who use social media. In the U.S. alone, 81 percent of U.S. Americans have their own social media profile. There is so much to love and hate about social media. While it can be a great medium to connect with friends, family, and even the world however, it can also contribute to a divorce.


Woodstock lawyers have proven that social media is a dangerous tool for couples who are going through rough times. With decades of legal experience handling a wide range of divorce cases, our law firm found that social media is one of the largest contributing factors to divorce.


Social Media Serves as a Strong Evidence

When all else fails in your marriage, social media will serve as a strong evidence during the court ruling without a doubt. You can use social media as a strong evidence to a family lawyer in Woodstock, GA.


Affects Court Ruling of Child Custody

Since social media serves as a strong evidence, this will also affect the court ruling on custody, visitation and parental rights. Your social media platforms can be used as one of the deciding factors on who is more deserving to have the rights to child custody. Your social media profile says a lot about the kind of a person you are, so you better be careful with your netiquette.


Almost Everything is Public on Social Media

No matter how ‘private’ your settings are when you you post on social media, your posts, photos you liked and commented on, among others can still be seen by the public with just a few clever tricks. Also, take note that couples have mutual friends and contacts on various platforms.Whether you like it or not, when you go through divorce, these mutual friends and contacts will take sides based on what they see or read on your social media posts. That is why The Law Firm of Caryn S. Fennell is here to guide you with what you must not post on social media. We highly advise you to talk to a family lawyer in Woodstock, GA instead of venting everything out on social media. For starters, everything about your divorce should be kept in private and not be posted on social media at all. You must also be careful with how you interact on social media and be wary of new friend requests from the opposite sex.


Exposure of Financial Status

Social media can be used to gauge a person’s financial status, this includes the earning capacity of the spouse. Although this depends on how vocal you are when it comes to your finances and how you portray your status online.

When you file a divorce, attorneys in Woodstock require you to fill out financial disclosure forms. This includes Income and Expense Declaration, Schedule of Assets and Debts, and the like. These information are important when it comes to deciding about allocation of assets.

About The Law Firm of Caryn S. Fennell

As your local family law attorneys, we can help solve your legal crisis and give you the answers you need.

Contact Information

The Law Firm of Caryn S. Fennell

2230 Towne Lake Parkway
Building 600 Suite 140 Woodstock, GA
Phone : 7704790248
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Published on

Mar 09, 2018

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