Essential Things to Remember When Giving Employee Awards

Rewarding exceptional employee performance is fundamental to effective management and business success. When business owners publicly recognize top performers, workers feel more confident, engaged, and motivated to continue their excellent work.


More importantly, the experience encourages people to be more devoted and passionate about working for the company.

Note that the benefits of recognising employee contribution can only be experienced if the process is done right. Merely handing out certificates of recognition and cash gifts without a clear-cut system is not only a waste of resources but can lead to personnel issues in the long run. If you want your employee awards  to be meaningful and relevant, consider the following pointers:

Set Well-defined Reward Objectives and Criteria

Whether you are rolling out a recognition program for the first time or revising your existing procedure, make sure to align your objectives with your organisation's goals. Take note that this practice should help your business grow as much as it will make your people happy and satisfied.

Apart from defining a clear purpose, you should also come up with a reasonable set of standards or criteria that covers all employees. Remember that focusing your rewards program on a select group of people will be demoralising and disappointing for those who have been left out. Ultimately, your program should be inclusive and bring people closer to each other.

Make Use of Tangible and Intangible Rewards

The majority of business owners believe that employees want to be appreciated by cash gifts or other tangible rewards. However, that is not always the case, especially if the top performer longs for a pat in the back, verbal recognition, or other non-monetary means of appreciation.

Instead of choosing one over the other, studies suggest that it is best to implement both. Including a note of appreciation for a job well done on top of a cash bonus would be more meaningful than merely handing out money.

Be Sensitive to What Your Employees Want

Never assume that the type of reward you are giving is what your employees want. Instead of deciding on your own, it is best to get their opinion on the incentive they desire. For instance, if you are rewarding top performers with gift cards, make sure to give them options.

When you give them the freedom to choose according to their preference, the reward becomes more meaningful. Think about it. How good is a gold watch, if the receiver is allergic to metal?

Pay Attention to the Effects

The process of recognising top performers does not end with hosting awarding ceremonies several times a year. Remember that you are rolling-out the recognition program to achieve specific goals and objectives. As such, you must examine whether your plan is achieving its intended purpose.

Are your employees performing better after the implementation of the program? Are your employees more motivated to work? To gauge if your plan for awarding top performers is positively affecting the company, you can conduct surveys, interviews, or focus group discussions.

Whether you hand out employee awards for everyone to see or give a "thank you note" privately, the most important thing is that you consistently recognise the hard work of your people. Keep in mind that showing appreciation is crucial to uplift your staff's morale and boost corporate success. Be sure to do the process right and not leave anything to chance by pondering the pointers above.




Author: Lora Ray is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry.  She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.

About Easy benefits

Tax Free Employee Benefits, Tax-free employee benefits, for ad hoc gifts under $300, Let your employee choose their own reward with a digital gift card, Customise the content and style of your certificate, or use one of our templates. Recognise and reward

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Published on

Jun 18, 2020