Greek Herald: Supporters of Ukrainian autocephaly think badly of Patriarch Bartholomew

Orthodox Christian expert Sergey Hudiev comments on authenticity of the leaked talks between Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Russian Patriarch Kirill over Ukraine and its implications for Patriarch Bartholomew's public image.


What moral portrait of His Holiness Bartholomew is depicted by those who claim the "transcript" is certainly genuine? Greek Herald managed to get a translation of the commentary written by Orthodox Christian author Sergry Hudiev for

The Greek site leaked a text that is said to be a "transcript" that reflects the content of the negotiations between Patriarchs Kirill and Bartholomew during Kirill's visit to Istanbul on August 31. However this piece can't be called so - it's indeed retold records. And no one knows for sure if its content was edited or completely forged.

Nevertheless, those who cite the text as authentic believe that this is a real leak from the negotiation room. And they are active supporters of the autocephaly. But only few people took part in the talks at the Phanar and the source of the leak must be among these people. That is the leakage (if it did take place) could happen only with the consent of Patriarch Bartholomew.

One has to be brave to charge Patriarch Bartholomew with this. There exists such a thing as ethics. Starting a confidential conversation, the other person puts trust in you. And after the negotiations Patriarch Kirill assured His All Holiness that he wouldn't reveal the content of negotiations without Patriarch Bartholomew's consent.

"Even hard-boiled politicians usually don't leak the negotiations as these are not the last talks of their life. If you can't negotiate confidentially no one will participate in talks with you. It means that those who claim the transcript is authentic, claim that Patriarch Bartholomew has such dishonorable ethical and business features. Anything can happen but to state that His All-Holiness "has sunk so low' is a bit premature," - Mr. Hudiev claims.

Though Church is an ethical society and its hierarchs are expected to meet even higher ethical standarts then politicians, there are those who cite the leaked information as authentic and along with this are active supporters of the Ukrainian autocephaly.

In other words, they wish to drive the Ukrainian Church under the omophorion of a person who is alleged (hopefully ungrounded) to commit unethical and unreasonable actions. Just to think how insulting and wrongful this is for the ancient Ecumenical Throne!

Another argument of the supporters of autocephaly is that the Russian Orthodox Church is a church of dreadful people, KGB agents etc. so common ethical rules cannot be applied to such terrible persons. As the Church is a pillar of Russia, any action against the Church is seen to be correct. So, Patriarch Bartholomew is not expected to be wise, pious or at least prudent - he must be hostile to Moscow. That is why he is said to have committed an immoral and silly act - to look hostile enough towards the Moscow Patriarchate.

Thus, by assuming that Patriarch Bartholomew can (to his own cost!) leak such high-profile and confidential negotiations to the media, supporters of the autocephaly of Ukrainian church undermine the reputation of the hierarch who is going to grant them a Tomos.

"This is not the right ethics to build a Church or a state - so its followers cannot create anything. As for us, we would refrain from judging the authenticity of the alleged leakage. Although Patriarch Bartholomew's behavior is extremely discouraging, let's not believe as meanly of him as the autocephaly supporters do," - emphasized the Russian Orthodox scholar.

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World , 72

Published on

Oct 14, 2018