Healthy Ways To Take Care Of Your Hair To Prevent Hair Loss

Dr. William D. Yates is a recognized leader in the field of hair loss and one of the premier hair restoration surgeons in the country.


Hair loss is increasingly becoming a rampant condition among men and women of all ages. This is due to a number of factors including age, lifestyle choices, genetic effect, diet and more.

Due to the increase in hair thinning and loss in men and women, there have been certain advances in hair loss treatment involving both temporary and permanent solutions. One of the most rampant hair loss treatment options is hair treatment with keratin, a treatment procedure which is fast gaining traction among balding men and women.

To however maintain your hair from thinning or to restore it to its normal condition, here are some of the recommended practices to adopt.

Eat Nutrients That Nourish The Hair

Diet has been identified as one of the chief causes of hair loss and thinning both in men and women. Diets low in essential fats and vitamins have been specifically implicated as one of the numerous possible causes of hair loss. In a bid to restore your hair to its glory days, it might be worth a shot to eat healthy while incorporating vitamins and minerals such as vitamins B, protein, omega-3s and iron in your diet.

Wondering the functions of these nutrients and why they may be important in your hair rejuvenation journey? Read below:

Vitamin B acts to keep your hair strong and thick which helps reduce the incidence of hair breakage. Vitamin B is contained in fruits, vegetables and nuts and as such, you should incorporate these in your diet.

Omega-3s also helps keep the hair shiny and healthy. Some of the important sources of Omega- 3s are salmon, avocados and walnuts.

Protein and iron are essential to keep your hair healthy and growing while providing the much needed strength. You can get protein from both animal sources e.g. chicken, beef, turkey, and more while plant sources boasting of both protein and iron concentration include spinach, kale, etc. You may also choose to supplement your diet with multivitamins to keep you healthy and your hair shiny.

Trim Your Hair Often

One of the most underrated ways to keep your hair in good condition is giving it a good trim once the ends begin to split. This allows you grow new and uniform ends that are stronger and less prone to breaking.

Oil The Scalp Often

Your scalp is the soil upon which the hair grows and as such, there is a need to take care of it. Whether you are rocking your natural hair or hair treated with keratin it is essential to keep your scalp oiled. Additionally, when using shampoo, be sure you are using mild or natural product shampoo which are less harmful to the scalp.

Keratin treatments are a great way to add volume and help improve the appearance of your hair. You can learn more at

Protect The Hair From External Factors

Your hair, just like every other part of the body should be cared for accordingly and appropriately. Be sure to protect your hair from the extremes of weather conditions such as sunlight, extremes of heat and cold temperatures.

When going out in the sun, be sure to protect your hair using a scarf while you should never step out with a wet or damp hair in winter as this may cause your hair to go brittle and fray. Additionally, do not expose your hair to harsh chemicals and remember to use swimming cap when going in for a swim.


About Dr. William Yates. Hair Restoration and MedSpa

Dr. Yates has had a passion and drive for excellence his entire career. He graduated with a B.A. in medical science from Northwestern University, and received his M.D. from the 6-year honors program at Northwestern University in Illinois.

Contact Information

Dr. William Yates. Hair Restoration and MedSpa

213 N Stetson Ave Chicago
Phone : 3122610872
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Published on

Jul 29, 2018

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