How To Setup A Coffee Store

The perfect cup of premium coffee starts with innovative brewing equipment. Let us help you choose the right breakroom refreshment solution to create great tasting moments in your workplace.


You have an idea to set up a coffee store, but you most probably don’t know how to go about it. You look at Starbucks and start to wonder how they grew to become a global brand. Well, you’ve got a long way to go to reach that totem!

Just so you know that setting up a coffee store is a profitable business when done right, here are some statistics. Statistics show that among frequent coffee drinkers the average number of cups consumed in the United States alone is 3 cups.

If you are looking for advice on how to set up your own coffee store, then you have come to the right place.

There are basically two ways by which you can set up a coffee store:

  • Becoming a franchisee

Becoming a franchisee means that you will operate a store in stores under the name of the franchisor. The franchisor has usually been a well-known brand.

In this case, all you have to do is pay the required franchise fee. After payment and every other necessary documentation, you can now operate your store or store.

  • Setup your own Coffee shop

Many entrepreneurs like yourself might rather prefer to have their own names on the big signboard outside their store. You might want to build your store from scratch, make all the decisions, suffer every loss and bask in all the glory and wealth.

If you decide to either be a franchisee or start your coffee store from scratch you will need to plan.

Just like every other business in the world, to successfully set up your coffee store, you need to plan. Most of the planning should be done before you start your store. Remember, if you fail to plan then you have planned to fail.

Consider the following points

1. Learn before you Earn

Before you setup your store, you need to learn. Learn how the successful stores in your area operate. Visit your favorite coffee shop and see how things are done there.

While it would be wrong to do the exact same thing that other stores do, you can learn and determine what things they are doing wrong and then use that to your own advantage.

2. Understand the risks.

Know what you are getting into. Setting up a coffee store does not mean that you will immediately start earning 6 figures. You might hit a bump, you might not even make sales in your first months. Be prepared. Have countermeasures for these possible setbacks.

3. Research, Research, and Research

Research different locations and your area and determine which one you think will be best for your store. You definitely will not want to have a store in an area where nobody passes by.

Also, research your target market. Understand the kind of people that make up the population near you. Are they students, workers, new families? When you know this, then you will be able to know how to go about starting the store.

4. Finance

Determine how much one cup of coffee will sell for. Make a budget to know whether you will be making loss or profit in the long run. One thing to really consider when it comes to budgeting is how you are going to pay for your coffee machines and equipment. Buying used equipment can be a huge mistake if you don't’t find the right supplier. Renting coffee machines from reputable sources like Corporate Coffee ( gives you flexibility financially as well as with the machines that you choose to use.

5. Determine how your store will be like

Customers want an environment where they can feel comfortable. So, having a great atmosphere will definitely attract a lot of customers.



Welcome to Corporate Coffee Systems, a leading New York metropolitan area coffee and refreshment supplier. At CCS, we believe our job is not simply to provide products, but deliver a level of performance that exceeds your expectations.

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Published on

Jul 28, 2018

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