Ways You Can Use Dishwashing Liquid You Didn’t Know About

Ready Set Maids is Houston #1 house cleaning and maid service offering a consistent and top rated home cleaning experience in all of the Houston metro area and surrounding cities.


Dishwashing liquid or dish soap, despite its cut and dry name, is a versatile cleaning product that’s not limited to keeping your dishes squeaky clean. In the cleaning world, dish soaps are known for being a relatively cheap go-to product for various chores that otherwise would require a more expensive cleaning agent. Listed below are ways on how you can use this cleaning agent around your home to keep it spotless.

Window Cleaner

With dish soap around the house, you don’t have to worry about buying window cleaning products and waste money for something unnecessary. All you have to do is mix a few drops of your favorite dishwashing liquid with a bucket of warm water and viola! You now have your very own (and cheap) window cleaner. This mixture is highly effective in cleaning greasy windows and giving it a glossy sheen. To amp up the grime-fighting action, you can also add half a cup of vinegar to the solution.

Appliance Cleaner

Turn your trusty dish soap into an all-around appliance cleaner by mixing it with warm water. Whether it’s an oven, a toaster, blender, refrigerator, girdles, stovetops, or even air conditioners, the pH-neutral quality of dish soaps make them the perfect dirt and grime buster for even the most delicate appliances. You can also use the dish soap and warm water solution to clean the dreaded oily and dusty kitchen cabinets if you haven’t gotten around to calling a Houston professional cleaning serviceyet. For this, just mix 1 part dish soap with 10 parts water, dunk a soft sponge into it and get cleaning.

Weed Killer

Have you been having problems with pesky overgrown weeds invading your home and you’re at loss at what to do? No worries. Even without harsh chemical weed killers, you can enjoy a weed-free home with just a mixture of dish soap, ½ cup salt, and vinegar. Just fill a spray bottle to the brim and you’re good to go. Spray this mixture directly on to weeds and weed prone areas around your backyard and wait for it to work its magic. A word of caution, be careful not to spray it on your precious plants, since while it isn’t toxic, it’s potent enough to kill any plant. I wouldn’t want you mourning the loss of your herbs and prizes flowering plants any time soon.

Cloth Grease Remover

Grease stains are a huge pain to deal with when they get stuck on our clothes. Many people around the world has experienced the heartbreak of letting go of their favorite shirts just because they can’t get the grease out of the fabric. Don’t let that happen to you. Just place a few drops of your favorite brand of dish soap directly onto the grease, rub it around, wait for a few minutes, rinse with cold water, and proceed to wash as usual. You’d be surprised to find how effective this method is at removing grease stains on clothes. And the best part is, dish soaps are really mild you won’t have to worry about the fabric getting damaged during the process.

About Ready Set Maids

Ready Set Maids is Houston #1 house cleaning and maid service offering a consistent and top rated home cleaning experience in all of the Houston metro area and surrounding cities.

Contact Information

Ready Set Maids

10919 West Road #733 Houston,
Phone : 8329394500
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Published on

Mar 13, 2018

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