Your Guide to Asbestos-related Diseases

Karst & von Oiste, LLP is a national law firm; we advocate for clients in courthouses around the country. Our practice serves the needs of clients suffering from mesothelioma and lung cancer among other practice areas.


Asbestos used to be a major construction material due to its resistance to chemicals, fire, and heat. It was not until the 1980s that its production has significantly dropped as people who worked in asbestos factories started to develop cancers and other life-threatening diseases. What is even more unfortunate is it takes decades before an asbestos-related disease is diagnosed because of the delayed onset of symptoms.  

Surprisingly, asbestos is not banned in the United States even with its debilitating effects. The annual consumption still clocked at 360 metric tons despite strict government regulations.

Here is a list of diseases which are linked to asbestos exposure:


This is a rare type of cancer that attacks the lining of the heart, lungs, and stomach. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer which is acquired when a person has prolonged direct exposure to asbestos. Even family members of those who work on the mineral are also at risk. This is because the fibers cling to the worker's clothes which they, in turn, bring when they go home.


Asbestos is colorless and odorless, so you will not know whether you already inhaled this mineral. Once the small fibers get into your lungs, this can cause scars and inflammation leading to asbestosis. Symptoms include chest pain, coughs that are full of phlegm and shortness of breath. Asbestosis is long-term, meaning this will affect your physical activity. The disease also exposes you to more severe conditions such as mesothelioma and lung cancer.

Pleural Plaques

About 50% of those who are exposed to asbestos are bound to develop pleural plaques. It happens when the pleura collects deposits of asbestos that result in scarring. While pleural plaques are not precursors to cancer, the doctor prompts you to undergo more tests as its presence may indicate a more serious condition.


The pleura is a thin membrane that covers the lungs. This is composed of two layers, and asbestos exposure may cause these layers to get inflamed. Pleurisy refers to the inflammation of pleura and can cause the layers to rub against another. Symptoms include difficulty in taking deep breaths and sharp chest pains.

Lung Cancer

A known human carcinogen, asbestos is directly related to lung cancer. This is a highly fatal disease that is often untreatable because it is already in advanced stage of discovery. Workers who have worked directly with asbestos have increased the risk of developing non-small cell and small-cell lung cancer.

Seek Professional Help

Many workers fail to realize the dangers of working in industrial factories that have asbestos. Unfortunately, it will take decades before symptoms of an asbestos-related disease show up. The mineral has also been the subject of many lawsuits, and seeking professional help is the only way to get the compensation that those who were exposed to the substance.

Contact a lung cancer firm | Karst & Von Oiste, LLP today and let us help you get the legal remedies you deserve from this harmful mineral.

About Karst & von Oiste LLP

Do You Know Someone Who Has Lung Cancer or Mesothelioma? Whether it’s a family member or friend, we can help people suffering from lung cancer and mesothelioma get the compensation they deserve to cover medical expenses and provide for children and family

Contact Information

Karst & von Oiste LLP

576 5th Avenue, Suite 706
New York, NY
Phone : 8554102320
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Published on

Apr 24, 2018

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